Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Happy Bloggiversary!

Weee!  It's Ad Bits' one year bloggiversary! As you can see, we're sporting a snazzy new look for our 2nd blogging year.  Of course, there's still some tweaking that needs to be done because I don't know HTML codes from a hole in the wall.  Let's take a look at some milestones A.B. has hit in the past year:
1. I learned to embed YouTube videos!  Huge victory!
2. That awful Jillian Barberie NutriSystem commercial is off the air!  Yeah!
3. But so is the talking pig commercial.  Boo.
4. I got a new computer and went wireless!  Fancy, fancy!
5. I went from zero followers to eight!  That's right, count' em up!  Eight fabulous followers.  One of them is me, true, so ok- 7.  Lucky number 7.

I wanted to do something unique for our bloggiversary (and I promise, this is unique- you will not be suffering through a year of weird vlogs) so I decided to make a commercial for Ad Bits, complete with a talking animal. Turns out commercial making is hard! I may need to go a bit easier on ads in the future. Here it is starring Molly's hand as Bits the Commercial Bull:


Carla said...

You are my most favorite blogger EVER.

Jules said...

You're too kind! But truly, you're my most favorite reader EVER!