Whine: Aughhhhh! As mothers we are supposed to be the world's best multi-taskers, right? Normally I feel like I can multitask with the best of them- I can scrub toilets and chit-chat on the phone (one of my riskier maneuvers), I can drive with my knees while signing the words to Molly's Bible songs and making faces at A to keep her awake (again, risky, I know); right now I'm eating pretzels, drinking Diet Coke, blogging, and pretending to be a brontosaurus. So you would THINK I'd be able to watch DWTS without screwing up my knitting! The worst part is I was at the very end of leg warmer #1 and I didn't realize my screw up until I was completely finished. It's not terribly noticeable, but I know it's there and will know it's there every time A wears them. :( Boo.
Wish: I wish I could get my hiney out of bed earlier. Every single day I set my alarm for an hour before the girlies get up. 10% of the time I actually get up. The other 90% I hit dismiss, snuggle down deeper into my warm, cozy, most comfy bed in the world and zonk out until a munchkin cries for me. My bible study homework this week touched on the fruits of the spirit and the last one in particular. You guessed it. Self-control. Oops. But really, if God wanted me up earlier he wouldn't have brought such a fabulously comfortable bed into my life, right?
Woo-hoo! Let's just list a slew of woo-hoos shall we? With exclamation points at the end of each one? Kyle Massey is in the DWTS finals! Jim got not one, but 2 beautiful bucks! I accomplished MORE Christmas shopping yesterday! I cleaned out my closet to make room for new clothes I get at Christmas make some donations to Goodwill! It rained a beautiful, silent rain today and my dog didn't make a peep! I learned to send a text to multiple recipients on my new phone (there are so many instances in which I want to tell both my brother and my sister what dweebs they are)! Woo freakin' hoo Friends!
What are your dubs this week?
I love this guy- he looks like his life is one giant woo-hoo!
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