Update: Last week I introduced the theory that perhaps WWW Wednesdays were somehow magical because after I whined about something, the problem solved itself! If you remember, I tested my theory last week by mentioning a private jet and less painfully dry skin. I'm sorry to report, I remain jetless and dry. Those are pretty big ticket items though, so I'm giving the bloggy powers that be some more time.
Whine: I need more hours. Particularly around this time of year. I know I'm not the only one. Can I get a "holla"?! Today I started my Naughty and Nice lists, (I was hoping to save a few bucks this year, but everybody has been pretty stinkin' nice) itemizing gift ideas for each person. It quickly became clear I should have started this list in March because there are several handmade gifts I want to make. I calculated my time between now and Christmas and if I cut back about 3 hours/night on sleep, forgo eating, and hire a full-time nanny to watch the kids and give Jim some attention I'm still coming up short. What's that? Cut out Internet surfing? Surely you jest!
Wish: My girls stay friends with the very friends they have now. And make new ones of course, but I just love their sweet little friendships right now. Plus, Molly is three. Which is the age I was when I made two of my very dearest friends in the world. I love making new friends, but there is a lot to be said for a friend who watched you through every embarrassing hair style, fashion disaster, and heartbreak; a friend who pushes you on the swings and later stands in your wedding, with whom you share precious Halloween candy and later, maternity clothes. You know, the friend who loves your parents and siblings as her own and then is great friends with your husband and adores your kids as her own. I hope you all have these buddies and I wish wish wish my girls to have them too.
Note: now I'm crying for the second time today. The first was when I was reading Knuffle Bunny Free to Molly. Have mercy! There should be a sob disclaimer on page one of that story!
Woo-hoo! Today I made this dip that I'm obsessssed with! I'll put the recipe up on "Bits I Make". That's right- I woo-hoo on a regular basis about food and today it's a doozie. I got the recipe from Deceptively Delicious (but I leave out the pureed carrots because I'd hate to be too healthy, right?) and I am going to eat it with lime tortilla chips for every meal until it's gone. Love it. But if you're looking for a more substantial woo-hoo, my sister is coming to visit tomorrow and staying until Sunday! I don't get enough of that girl, so I'm super pumped. And she doesn't usually hack into my Facebook account or hide creepy dolls in my pantry (see here) so that's cool too. Woo-hoo within the woo-hoo: she's babysitting Saturday night so J and I can hit the town like the cool hipsters we are! (heehee)
Remind me to never have a whiny Wednesday with this guy (whose use of the word "jackwagon" made my whole year- I'll be repeating often. Consider yourself warned.)
Holla! :) I'm a bit whiny about my time lately too. Maybe I should be more "winey" and stay in my pj's until like, say May.
Also, Addison is taking applications for new friends & would love a playdate. Let me know if you guys ever want to hang out (jammies optional- errr, wait, that sounded weird!).
Have a great day! Off to read "Room."
Love it! Yes, "winey" is LOTS more fun! :)
I'll have Mols fax over her resume for Addison's review. It includes things like: "Master's degree in living room dancing" and "actively pursuing a doctorates in play-dough sculpture". Let's get them together!
Holla deuce, in the hiz-ouse!!!!
Where does all my time go. *type, type, type* I don't know how I can ever clean my house *surf, surf, surf* I want to make Christmas presents too, and should have started in March too, so now I'm wondering if I need a Nanny also. To play with the kids, you're a little more liberal than me if you're gonna use yours to "give Jim attention". I might have to just squeeze that extra chore in somehow, no Nanny gonna shake Mr. Woo's rump. Any who. . .Just call me conservative.
And Knuffle Bunny Free? I'm on the hunt for that book. Never heard of it.
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