Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Goal Mine!

My tablecloth is finished!  For a girl who can't sew and usually sticks to making people crazy rather than making actual, useful things this is a big deal!  Here is the finished product:

Here's a close-up of the pattern.  Halloweeny, right?
 Making my tablecloth got me thinking about my list of goals (138 of them, 49 of which have been accomplished).  It's been a while since I checked any of them off, so I pulled out the list to see what I might tackle next (unfortunately tablecloth making does not make an appearance on my list).  Some things may never get checked off, like "Do monthly breast exams".  I mean, when would I stop doing that?  After my double mastectomy I guess.  But there are other things that are easy enough to check off, it's just a matter of getting off my hiney and making them happen.  Like getting CPR certified, taking a self-defense class, or hiking (part of) the Appalachian Trail.

I lovey love love lists of goals.  How much?  Ok, here it is.  I love lists of goals MORE than I love commercials.  Even more than I love commercials with talking animals.  I know!  Deep huh?  So I'm dying to know, what are your goals?  What ones are you actively pursuing?  Which ones have you completed that you're proudest of?

A lot of goals are all about getting more "know how" so I thought this would be an appropriate commercial for today.  Plus, I love the head bobs the NAPA employees have going on.  If ever I step foot into an automotive store* (I won't... unless it ends up on the Goal List for some reason) I'll be sure it's NAPA.

*That's what NAPA is, right?  Some kind of auto parts store?  I don't even know.  I can't imagine ever needing to go in there for anything.


Nicki Woo said...

Okay. I think I'm really immature. I'm embarassed to say my goals. I'll tell you my age. 35. I'll tell you my weight. 170-ish. But my goals, make me feel like I'm naked. I may need to work on that.

Anonymous said...

We have 2 NAPA stores here and that commercial was fun. I love any commercial that is funny or isn't serious.

The ameritrade ones with the baby is hilarious!!!!!!!

Mama Haddad said...

ahhhh... GOALS!?!? My goal is to wake up each morning, feed both kids, and hope that we all make it to bed with all 10 fingers, 10 toes and our limbs still attached! lol If I MAKE a goal, I can almost PROMISE you it'll never get done! Horrible right? Especially with two little boys that MUST have goals! (although my oldest shows signs of "goals", like "I must make mom mad @ least twice today" and "I must dirty every possible room in the house EVEN if I'm not supposed to be IN the room @ all." :P Love your blog! <3 Maybe you can rub off on me and possibly pass that passion of goals on :D


Anonymous said...

I have been to Napa to buy auto parts. Honest. I love your tablecloth. My goal: be able to carry a car seat. : ) - Carla