Saturday, October 2, 2010


That's my very best hopping noise!  I've found some of my very favorite blogs through this hop!  I'm spotlighting My Eleven Reasons this week so be sure to stop in and visit that fantastic blog too if you're so inclined!

It's Spotlight Saturday Hosted By
Also!  Look at how fancy pantsy I'm getting with 2 new tabs up top!  And a little button on my sidebar!  It's not grabbable quite yet- I need to do some more research on that... Slowly but surely though I'm limping my way into a more dimensional blog.  There will be more to come soon (I hope.  I mean, don't hold me to it, okay?  Okay!)


Hanging Off The Wire said...

Thanks for following! I am following you. Isn't this fun?

grace said...

I found you through Becky's site from my 11 reasons.
You have a cute blog and unique. I'll be back.
Have a great day.

Leanne said...

Love what you are doing ... you are Ms FANCY PANTS! (Love that - so funny!) Keep going - it's working for ya, lady!