Wednesday, September 15, 2010

WWW Wednesday!

It's Ad Bits' 2nd WWW Wednesday!  If you missed last week's post, the dubs stand for whine, wish, and woo-hoo.  Here are my dubs du jour:
Whine: My dog is sick.  Poor wittle baby.
Wish: I wish A's clothes would sort themselves out!  I'm putting away stuff she's outgrown and getting M's old 18-24 month stuff out for her.  It is super fun pulling out a whole new wardrobe for her, but everything has to be washed before retiring to the basement (in case of another baby girl someday?!?!) or before settling into her closet and dresser (things smells dusty even though I cleaned this stuff before the first migration to the basement boxes).
Woo-hoo!: I looooove fall in Michigan!  The air is just the right temperature, the sky has the perfect blue to cloud to sun ratio, and leaves are just starting to change colors.  It's gorgeous.  I can't wait for the year's first trip to the cider mill (or apple orchard- as you will see, today's commercial corresponds nicely with my woo-hoo, I think.  Cute!)

What are your WWWs?


Kelsey said...

My son who is supposed to be napping isn't.
Wish: I wish it was cooler weather out here...
Woo-hoo!: I'm excited for a cincert next week(Muse) that my husband and I are going to.

Discovering the Me in Mommy said...

I have an award for you on my blog! =)

Laura Marchant said...

I wish my cholesterol tests would have come back better. Bye, bye all good things to eat :-)

Jinnia said...

Cute commercial :) Jules, you have a cool concept with blogging about commercials, it's fun to see. I'm your newest follower from MBC Simply Follow. Come visit me at

Have a great day!

Nicki Woo said...

I love this time of year too. No cider mills in texas, but the weather does begin to break and a few leaves change color. my favorite time of the year. my absolute fave part though, is decorating for halloween, bwahhahahaha!