Monday, January 10, 2011

I Need Smutin' To Read

Know what I'm in the mood for?  Some smut.  Isn't it time for another Sookie Stackhouse novel to come out?  Another Stephanie Plum saga?  Maybe I should just go buy a Cosmo.  Know what I mean?  Isn't it just that time of year for some trashy reads?  According to Regis and Kelly the most depressed day of the year is January 17, which we are quickly approaching and I feel like the best way for me to battle the mid-winter blues is to invest in some mindless reading.  Any suggestions?

For Christmas I received a Kindle and I am completely enamored with it (even though I already lost my blessed charger).  Kindles are great for lots of things not the least of which is reading embarrassing, mindless books incognito.  Sitting on a plane reading Sizzling Sixteen by Janet Evanovich in hard cover for the world to see is more than mildly embarrassing.  Reading Sizzling Sixteen on a plane with your Kindle?  Sneaky and magnificent!  For all the other passengers know I'm doing my Bible study or re-reading The Brothers Karmazov.

In honor of trashy novels everywhere, here is a Fabio commercial to start your week.  He is also in a Toyota commercial, which is not on YouTube yet, but if you're lucky (???) maybe you'll catch it on your own tube.


Krisztina Clifton said...

LOL! That's awesome! I need more smutin to read too. I wish there were more Sookie novels coming out! Check out

Nicki Woo said...


Jules, Jules, Jules.

Boy, you are lucky you know me.
I'm totally into smut. With a capital S-M-U-T. As a matter of fact I have a date tonight with some SMUT and Starbucks during my 10 year olds art lessons.

Lately, I've been addicted to Fanfiction, which works out well cause its free, and there is more of it than you could ever read. AND ~ get this, you can access on your Kindle. SWEEEEEEETTTTTT!

The key with fanfic is that there are some really awesome writers out there, and then there are some fuggly writers. I can help you steer clear of the fugglies. I'm so into Twilight Fanfic that its ridiculous.

So the premise is the fans take their favorite characters (in this case Edward, Bella, and the whole Twilight group) and place them in different circumstances with different lives, and you see what happens. It hilarious, sad, riveting, crazy, and oooooh so much smutty fun.

I have so many recommendations its crazy. Send me an email and I'll send them your way if you're game.

Nicki Woo said...

PS - Can you please tell me why my comments on your blog keep getting longer and longer?

I might need to rent some space on your blog. Sorry about that I'll try to keep it down over here.

Discovering the Me in Mommy said...

I'm not sure I could keep the Kindle in once piece -- I'm so clumsy!

Read away...

Jules said...

@Christina: Oo! Steamy! Thanks for the recommendation!
@Nikki: I LOVE your comments! The longer the better! And yes! I'm totally going to check fanfiction out! Can't wait! I'll drop you an email as soon as I need a rec! You rock!
@Discovering: I'm a clumsy mess too, but the Kindle seems surprisingly durable (so far). I'm just scared of losing it!

Jules said...

@Christina: Oo! Steamy! Thanks for the recommendation!
@Nikki: I LOVE your comments! The longer the better! And yes! I'm totally going to check fanfiction out! Can't wait! I'll drop you an email as soon as I need a rec! You rock!
@Discovering: I'm a clumsy mess too, but the Kindle seems surprisingly durable (so far). I'm just scared of losing it!