Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Going to TarGet Stuff

My kids can never see this commercial.  You know they'd be all over this like, well.  Like peanut butter on bread.

How much do we love this little kid?!  Little redheads have a special place in my heart of course, but then throw in a little chub and the sweetness of this kid?  Complete adoration!  Of course it helps that I don't have to clean up his mess.  Thank you Carla at Truth or Dairy for bringing this fabulous commercial to my attention!

Incidentally, I went to Target last night in a bold move (I don't typically take the girls out after dinner because we have a strict schedule of playing, bathing, and reading), but what the hey?!  Spontaneity, thy name is Jules!  Of course I lived to regret it because:
a) it took a solid 15 minutes to bundle us all up (14 blessed degrees yesterday!)
b) my labyrinth of a driveway is nearly impossible to back out of in the dark.  I ran over every little stick Jim put up to help guide me out.  Oops.
c) taking both kids to the store is so tricky; A wants to stand up in the front of the cart, giving passers-by reason to judge me (she squirms out of the little strap, ok!?) and Molly of course wants "stuff", but luckily was mollified (haha!) by some old Fruit Loops from the depths of my purse.
d) our entire nighttime schedule was off.  There was no wind-down time. It was, "Get in the house!  Grab your toothbrush!  Put on your jammies!  Let's move people, we're pushing 8:00 here!" 

I hope your Tuesday is fabulous friends and may you have enough bread that you don't have to eat your PBJ in Target kid fashion.


One with many names said...

My daughter took a PB&J to school on Monday for lunch... considering she is 13 and never asks for PB&J anymore... I thought it was cool...

Have a good Tuesday too!

Carla said...

You are my most favorite blogger ever!

Sandra said...

Oooh I love your stories about your daily life! It is sooo funny to read how you handle it and your cuties.

Well PB is not really my taste and I would never ever put jelly on it ....how can you do this? Do you? Please say 'no'!
Anyway MY heaven on earth is NUTELLA!!! I grew up with it and I am still sooooo addicted :( Whenever I go to the grocery I try not to look at it and pass it without touching the glass....yes, I know...I fail quite often ;o)
Oh did you ever got the chance to eat Nutella? I am not sure....

Sandra said...

Oooh I love your stories about your daily life! It is sooo funny to read how you handle it and your cuties.

Well PB is not really my taste and I would never ever put jelly on it ....how can you do this? Do you? Please say 'no'!
Anyway MY heaven on earth is NUTELLA!!! I grew up with it and I am still sooooo addicted :( Whenever I go to the grocery I try not to look at it and pass it without touching the glass....yes, I know...I fail quite often ;o)
Oh did you ever got the chance to eat Nutella? I am not sure....

Nicki Woo said...

Chubbsters are the cutest. I want to eat that kid up right with the PB&J.

You are a brave woman to tackle the store at night with the kiddos. I always make mine stay home no matter how many tomaotes they throw or how many times they tell me I'm a horrible mom. :) kidding, kidding. about the tomatoes.

Renee said...

Aha! I see the driveway is difficult to navigate in the cold, dark winter for many...including one who lives there. :)

Jules said...

@C: And YOU are my favorite commercial idea giver ever!

@Sandra: Are you kidding me?! I eat PBJs almost every day of the week! I know! I'm SUCH an American! :) I do love Nutella, but I forget about it. Haven't had it in years!

@Nikki: I hear rotten tomatoes are great for one's complexion! (??)

@Renee: It IS tricky! But nothing a little bird seed can't fix, right?