Friday, December 17, 2010

Living In The Present

The girlies and I are visiting my parents' house right now- Jim is meeting us here tomorrow.  We're in town for an ugly sweater party tomorrow (fun!) and a dress fitting I have today (the opposite of fun).  This fitting (for a bridesmaid dress) was supposed to happen the day after Thanksgiving and then I came to my senses and cancelled it.  Unfortunately I haven't stopped eating since Thanksgiving soooo..... what can I say?  The holidays are hellidays on the old waistline!

So my goals today include: lose 10 lbs and find an ugly sweater.  No sweat, right?  Hohoho.

Yesterday I had my first (of many, no doubt) awkward moment of the holiday season.  My mother-in-law came over for lunch and to celebrate her birthday.  I reached into my pile of wrapped presents, handed her one and watched excitedly as she unwrapped.... an ice cream maker???!?!  That's not what I bought her!  She didn't want it, I could tell, but I didn't know what to do!  She feigned enthusiasm and we had cake.

But I couldn't let it go.  So after a while (too long!  I should have just said something right away!) I awkwardly asked if she was very attached to her ice cream maker.  Blank stare.  That's what I thought.  So I admitted my airheaded mistake and presented her real present.  It was a much bigger hit and she admitted it would be used a lot more than the ice cream maker (which can now go to it's intended recipient).  Embarrassing!  But I'm so happy I said something.  And what is the holiday season without a faux pas or two? 

Speaking of faux pas, how much do we love this AT&T commercial right now? 


Carla said...

Love it! And I love ice cream. And tacos. : )

Jamie said...

Thanks for the follow! Love this commercial and love your awkward story!

Nicki Woo said...

You're crazy. That's why me lovey you. I'm such a little scared sh** sometimes, I don't know what i would have done in that situation. Probably given her the ice cream maker and another present. Jeez.