Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Only the Best WWW Wednesday Ever!

Whine:  I have a big fat mouth!  It's so hard to keep it closed!

Wish:  I wish I could have spilled the beans weeks ago!

Woo-hoo!  I'm having a baby!!  Another little baby!  Lucky number three!  I've been dying to tell you guys, but wasn't sure if this was the kind of thing I wanted to announce to the blogosphere.  But the bottom line is: there is just too much blog material that comes with pregnancy to NOT write about it!  This may also explain why 90% of my posts lately have been food centered (not really, but only because I made a HUGE effort to reign in the food-talk.  Now all bets are off, and you will have to hear regularly about cheese popcorn and the like.)

Also during the DWTS results show last night I saw this great and totally appropriate commercial.  They put popcorn in the microwave oven.  Just like I have a bun in the oven.  But Criss Angel had nothing to do with my situation.


Nicki Woo said...


I knew it ! I knew it! I knew it!

Only kidding. I had no idea. But I just felt like since your such a part of my daily life, I should have sensed it or something. But, I got nothin.

Well, I'm super duper happy for you and M and A and hubby, and little pumpkin pie growing in your belly. Oh another little Julesy. The world can't have enough. Sending you all my love, good thoughts and carbohydrate protein snacks. Don't forget to take your vitamins. At night. With pickles. Oh and eat lots of cheese, shakes, and Schwanns Meals.

Margi said...

Now that's a post that makes this yucky, rainy, damp day all worth it! YEAH YOU! I am so tickled for all of you! WOOT WOOT! Happy Snoopy Dancin' in the Mag office! Wonder if they can hear me downstairs! LOL
hugs and more hugs to you!

Jules said...

@Nikki: Thanks! I'm still way behind you in the kiddo department, but catching up (not really though- this is our last so you win!) Yum. Pickles. And Schwans! I'm pretty sure this baby is coming out packaged up in a little Schwan freezer box for all the Schwans it's eating in utero. :)

@Margi: Thank you! We're so pumped! I am ashamed of myself for never ever making it to ML. I'm pretty sure most people up there haven't even met A yet! When New Baby gets here we'll take a giant family field trip! I think Jim's freaking out because this kiddo will most definitely interfere with hunting season this year. Oops!

Carla said...

Best WWW ever is right! So happy. I am also happy that I can eat vicariously through you. : )