Monday, November 23, 2009

Adbits Redemption

Loyal Adbitters may remember my rant about the creepy Xbox commercials a while back. Not a loyal adbitter? That's cool too- here's the link to icky central: I'm just sayin'. I can think of 360 reasons I hate that ad.

But it's Thanksgiving week and among the things I'm thankful for is the discontinuation (I hope!) of the 1/2 head commercials, and Xbox's new, much cooler ad campaign!! Take a look-see: Can I just say that nobody but nobody can work a windbreaker like Jane Lynch!

Xbox, I hereby pronounce you, Redeemed. You are no longer damned to the lowest depths of Adbits hell. You may resume air wave consumption.

Note: Jonesing for more Jane? Allow me:


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Jules said...

Mom, is that you!? Just kidding. Thank you so much for your very kind words! I'm so happy you stopped by and are enjoying Ad Bits! Come again soon! :)